Art Garden Artists

If your familar with my work, you probably saw these other fine coworkers/friends/fellow artists of mine

Two Telephone Poles

Two Telephone Poles

Aria Mickenberg

A fantastic person/best friend and photographer, she first worked with me for several years helping me make things and keep me on target, she still teaches me how to run things like a boss. She’s now on her own making awesome photos with amazing color pallets and layers.



Brandy Dufrene

Another lover of pen work, Brandy is a fellow nerd, artist neighbor who I have had to pleasure to call a friend. Her work is highly detailed and intricate with beautiful meanings and stories. She works together with her partner Rene who is an equally awesome talent and also a nerd…so they are my people.






John Vise

Makes incredible bronze beasties and creatures as well as multiple other accoutrements. They are small highly detailed handcrafted one of kind sculptures never cease to bring me a sense of joy. If me and him agree on a movie it also means that movie is amazing, or possibly terrible, depending on your level of nerd perspective. Warning he has been known to bite from time to time.



Brett Henderson

Him and I got started around the same time, and its been motivating to have him as a neighbor, and he makes this absolutely stunning acrylic paint layers. It doesn’t hurt that he’s one of the nicest people on the planet will shed a tear at a John Williams score.





Megan Barnes

A photo doesn’t really do it justice. But these beautiful paintings are painted in reverse on the back, and sometimes, front of panels as well making these lovely multidimensional pieces. Her partner sells the work like a boss, but me and….. Kate…. rival constantly at the market and are frenemies for sure, as we are always battling for market dominance.

